FAQ: Returns

+ Can I return my Giesswein product for an exchange or refund?$$$Yes, you can. Please use our returns center to request your return and to receive your personalized address label.  Please see our return policy for further information. ;;; + Something is wrong with my Giesswein product.$$$We're sorry to hear that. Wherever you are in the world, please get in touch with us and we’ll get it sorted out. ;;; + What is the Giesswein returns process?$$$Please contact us if you would like to return items. After that, we will email you a personalised address label and return instructions. Then, simply ship your items to the address on the label. We will refund your original order payment. We are able to provide prepaid return labels for the UK, United States and the Europen Union. You will be responsible for the costs in all other countries.