Burning feet syndrome: when your feet burn and hurt
Do you know the feeling when your feet burn, itch or feel like they're on fire at the end of the day? This phenomenon is known as burning feet syndrome and can be extremely distressing for those affected. There are many causes, but one thing is clear: this problem should not be ignored. In this article, you will find out what is behind burning feet syndrome and what you can do about it.
What are the causes of burning feet syndrome?
The burning sensation in the feet can have many different causes. One of the most common is a circulatory disorder, which ensures that nutrients and oxygen are not optimally transported to the feet. Nerve damage (neuropathies) can also play a role, especially in people with diabetes. Other causes are
- Lack of important vitamins such as B1, B6 or B12
- Hormonal changes, for example during the menopause
- Incorrect footwear that constricts or congests the feet
- Allergies or intolerance to certain materials in socks or shoes
Symptoms: When should you take notice?
The symptoms of burning feet syndrome often occur in the evening or at night when you are resting. Typical symptoms are
- Burning or stinging sensation in the feet
- Tingling or numbness
- Red or overheated feet
- Increased sweating
These symptoms can occur both sporadically and permanently. It is important to listen to your body at an early stage and not wait until the symptoms become unbearable before taking action.
What can you do to combat burning feet syndrome?
If you regularly suffer from burning feet, there are some effective measures that can help:
- Foot baths with a cooling effect: A cold or lukewarm foot bath with salts or camomile can alleviate the discomfort.
- Massages: A gentle massage with a cooling lotion or aloe vera soothes stressed feet.
- Comfortable, breathable shoes: Make sure your shoes fit well and are made of high-quality materials.
- Optimise your diet: A diet rich in vitamins can help to compensate for possible deficiency symptoms.

The must-haves from GIESSWEIN against burning feet
If you suffer from burning feet, the right footwear is essential. Giesswein offers a range of shoes that are ideal for relieving your feet and keeping them comfortable:
- Breathable merino shoes: the fine merino wool ensures an optimal foot climate by absorbing moisture and allowing it to evaporate quickly.
- Flexible and lightweight soles: Our shoes adapt to the natural movement of your feet and prevent unnecessary pressure.
- Seamless finish: Less friction means less irritation - perfect for sensitive feet.
With these must-haves from Giesswein, you can provide targeted relief for your feet and counteract the symptoms of burning feet syndrome. Although many causes are harmless, burning feet syndrome can also be a sign of serious health problems. If the symptoms persist or are very severe, you should definitely consult a doctor. Especially if you experience additional symptoms such as:
- Severe swelling
- Numbness that extends into the legs
- problems walking or balance problems, it is advisable to seek medical advice.

Burning feet syndrome is unpleasant, but in many cases it is easy to manage. Pay attention to your body's signals, wear comfortable shoes and support your feet with cooling applications and a healthy diet. However, if the symptoms do not subside, it is important to seek professional help. Because healthy feet are the basis for your well-being!
Do something good for your feet!